Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Super-venty post coming up by tomorrow. You've been warned!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
my, oh my.
I'm currently at my mom's drinking coffee with coconut milk, and if I cussed I would say it's bleepin' good, because it IS. I love it.
My brother is leaving in...nine days and it kills me. People often joke with me that I'll miss him more than B, but no, I won't. It's just that it's my brother and he's my best friend and we do so much together. He's actually such an awesome brother that he's taking me SHOPPING next Friday. Seriously, how awesome is that?
In other news...well, there's not much of it. That's why I haven't written lately because I don't want to bore you all with boring "this is what I did today" posts because I know those get boring after a while. It just kind of sucks right now because life IS kind of boring, just counting down the days til my boys leave and I move back into my mom's house.
Granted, tomorrow is Easter and I have a flippin' awesome dress. $5 from the Goodwill, by Dress Barn. In. Love. I'll get a pic on here when I can.
How have all of you been? I'm sure it will be kind of shocking to see a post from me in your news feed!
Another question: Tattoo for me, yay or nay? I drew on my foot the other day (just a small Christian fish) and I really like it. I've been toying with the idea for a while now but keep chickening out.
Happy Easter, beautiful ladies!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
one of the places I despise the most...
Cannot. Stand. It.
The smell of stale french fries and dirty feet. The sound and the screeching and shrieking and yelling. The dirty, germy play equipment.
And's where I sit right this minute.

I took little sis here tonight to get her out of mom's hair...she's been a little pill all day and mom needed a break. So I'm guzzling coffee trying to not pull my hair out as these little kids chase each other and scream and holler like it's some sort of game.
Maybe it's a sigh I'm not ready to be a parent quite yet, but I can think of other places I enjoy more. A bookstore. My house. The kitchen table at my mom's sewing something.
I know I sound really selfish, but really. Anyone else despise Mickey D's playland?
The countdown continues for B's departure. He's been having some knee trouble from all the running he's been doing, so he's kind of worried it will be an issue at boot camp. We have to get a power of attorney filled out so I can be in charge of all the bank stuff while he's gone. We already have a joint account so I don't know why this is necessary. Good ole' paperwork. :)
Ever just wish someone would walk up to you and hand you a thousand dollars? I do. I want that right now. I want a bunch of money just for myself. I want a savings account. Mine got depleted when I got married and I'm just dying to start another one. Maybe one of these kind folks here in this merry playland will give it to me.
/wishful thinking
Saturday, April 9, 2011
a stormy saturday.
I love thunderstorms.
And we're going through a big one right now. Rain is hitting the window and the thunder is crazy and I love it. This is actually the second storm today which is even better.
I hate not having internet at home anymore. I'm on my netbook right now so I feel a little more at home, but it's still not the same. I can't curl up in bed with the Duke blanket and matching pillows and type away with as my soundtrack.
(Speaking of, my link-up didn't work the other day.)
In other news, I think this looming government shutdown is completely ridiculous. It really makes me angry.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Song Link Up Week 7
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
happiness on a Sunday
- little sister sitting on my lap as I try to type
- coffee with brown sugar, made especially by mom
- bacon cheeseburgers on the grill
- a three mile bike ride (couldn't feel my legs after that one)
- gooey cookies
- wearing an Army shirt while B sports his Marine shirt.
Yeah, sue me. I currently don't own any Marine memorbilia except a bumper sticker on my car. However, I do have several Army shirts (my brother leaves May 3rd for basic) and tons of other stuff he gets from his recruiter especially for me. I feel kinda special. Lunchbox, water bottles, keychains, lanyards, iPod cases, stickers, just tons of s t u f f .
B always gets after me about wearing Army shirts, but hey, B! If you got me some USMC gear I would most definitely wear it. He says I don't get anything until after he graduates recruit training, which I kind of understand...but come on!
So now we're all at mom's house for our Sunday night dinner. Since it's nice weather outside, step-dad is doing some intense grilling on the barbecue. Jalepeno bacon cheeseburgers minus the jalepenos. So...bacon cheeseburgers. Either way, I'll take it!
My brother leaves in 28 days. So that means B leaves in...56? I think. He has the countdown on his phone but I can't touch the sacred Android, so we'll just go with 56!
I hope to be back to blogging about something every day. It really sucks not being able to get on here and write whenever I feel like it. I have my netbook in my brother's room so maybe one of these days we can set up the wireless on it so I can blog from that instead of my mom's computer. Hopefully in the next couple weeks.
Anyway, thanks to all of you for reading! It makes my day when I get comments or see I've added a new follower. Oh, the simple things in life. :)