Wednesday, July 27, 2011

All Dressed Up 2

I finally get to do this again! Yay.

This is one of the coolest link-ups out there in Blogland, so please check it out! All Dressed Up.

Dress - Cato
Shoes - Cato find @ Goodwill
(can you tell I love that place?)

Looove these shoes!

Headband - handmade by me
Earrings - Brighton
Necklace - vintage hand-me-down

So please, link up and show your stuff!

Has anyone seen Dance Moms on Lifetime? That show is ridiculous. Those moms drive me crazy, and this is only the first time I've seen this! The kids on that show look so bored and unmotivated; doesn't help they have a total witch-with-a-b dance teacher!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

a crafty weekend.

Well, I'm not mending this weekend, but I have been parked behind the sewing machine and craft table for pretty much the whole day.

I get on these big crafting kicks and will do nothing but craft for hours at a time, then something will go wrong and I'll get all ticked off and slam everything back in the box and not touch it for weeks. You see, I am a perfectionist and this is how we do things. Something doesn't go right the first time? Fine. Just get a big attitude and throw it in the box to "work on later."

Nope, not this weekend. I've had a project in mind for a while; my own version of this. It was my plan to make it for B's graduation and put it in a special frame. Well, I did it today. Yes, I actually completed a project the first time I sat down to do it. And man, was it easy. The only mishap I had was an incorrectly embroidered e which I fixed by adding a few extra stitches. I tried to get a picture of it, but it's eleven at night and just really hard to get a good picture right now.

I got kind of emotional while making it, it has a line from our song, and it's just really special. I'm going to guarantee you he will shed a tear. Or two. He may be fresh out of boot camp when he gets it, but I think it will still get to him the same way it would any other day. I. Can't. Wait.

B told me that every Sunday during church this song is played. He told me I have to listen to it, and the first time I hear it I thought it was severely depressing and couldn't understand why they would make the recruits listen to that. Now that I've seen the music video I totally get it and LOVE the song. It makes me cry too.

What are you guys up to this weekend? Any crafts? Emotional moments?

(c) Erin Rena on Flickr

Thursday, July 21, 2011

7 weeks!

So that title makes it sound like I'm pregnant...but no, I'm not. :) Just thought I'd throw that out there.

I got two letters in the mail yesterday so I will highlight what he said without revealing too much of anything:

-He earned his tan belt in MCMAP
-He gets his picture taken in his blue sometime this week
-Gas chamber was on Tuesday
-7 weeks til he becomes a Marine, 8 weeks til he sees me :)
-He said they get liberty one Sunday near graduation so I need to expect a phone call.

Overall he is doing great, I'm so proud of him. I can already tell how different he sounds in his letters, he is so much more confident and sure of himself.

I suppose I'm doing great too, when he said "7 weeks until I become a Marine" it made me realize how quickly time has gone by. He's already halfway done! On June 1st I was dreading every aspect of this being separated all summer, but now I'm just so proud of him for what he's doing for him and me.


I didn't get around to All Dressed Up yesterday; I had to work during the day and my outfit certainly wasn't ADU-worthy. Hopefully next week! Hope you all are having a great week so far.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

my awesome brother.

My brother graduated Army basic training on Friday. I am so, so proud of him. He has matured so much over the past few months.

(excuse the blurriness...I stole these from his cell phone) :)

He's been my best friend since I can even remember, we have always been attached at the hip and always think of the other one when making plans. We've had our share of staying up too late, playing video games, eating sour candy, watching dumb movies,  making late-night Wal-Mart runs; but they're our favorite memories and things we just enjoy doing together.

I have talked to him so much over this weekend, and I keep ending the phone calls with the same thought: Man, he's awesome. I am so lucky to have him for my brother! He has the biggest heart out of anyone I know, and I mean anyone. He is so compassionate and giving, he's even literally given the shirt off his back to someone who didn't have one.

These past few months have been difficult for me, letting go of him, in a way. He's an adult now, in an adult world, with an adult job and adult friends. However, I still know he is always there for me and will always listen and not judge or tell anyone anything I say, which I really admire.

I've been trying to add some more pics but once again Blogger does not like them. Whyyy does this keep happening?!?

In other news, B is doing well from what I do know. I don't get near as many letters as I used to. I do know he goes through the gas chamber tomorrow, so naturally I'm a little worried. I am sure he'll be alright though; it's just the worrywart in me coming out.

Good night, all. :o)

"After a girl is grown, her little brothers...become her protectors." ~Terri Guillemets

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Song Link Up Week 21

It's that time again! Link up with Goodnight Moon to get in on the fun :)

I found this version of Poker Face a while ago...but this song has been stuck in my head alllll week! Chris Daughtry did a great job.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

favorite USMC pictures.

I feel these deserve a post of their own because...they just do.

(c) Roger Sieber on flickr

(c) Melinda Applegate on flickr

(c) Marines on flickr

(c) David Gregg on flickr

(c) David Gregg on flickr

All Dressed Up

My first All Dressed Up! Head over to her blog and you will be completely wowed. Lady is absolutely gorgeus, her wardrobe is to die for, AND she's a Marine wife! How awesome is that (not to mention she totally has the 50's look going on, which I love love loveee).

Well, my outfit today is definitely not fifties related whatsoever, but I still love it! I'm actually not going anywhere today, so I pretty much got dressed up to enjoy my day off at home catching up on blogs and sewing (I have an exciting life).

dress - a boutique on Main Street
shoes - Cato
hair flower - handmade by me!

I'm wearing lipstick today...can you believe it?
Me either.

I totally meant to do my hair for the first couple pictures...but obviously that didn't happen.

Too bad B isn't here to see this outfit, I'm pretty sure he'd like it. Either like it or say something like, "Cover your shoulders up!" He's just a tad protective.

new URL (and blog title)

I feel like I have had too many names/urls going all over the place with this blog and needed to condense everything into ONE name.

One night as I was laying in bed the name "That Recruit's Wife" jumped into my head and I've used that on my banner ever since. However, my url didn't ever say that so I think people got confused.

From now on:

Blog name: That Recruit's Wife

Thanks for following, we're growing sloooowly but surely! Stay tuned for my first attempt at No Model Lady's All Dressed Up!

Monday, July 11, 2011

the perks of working with the public.

(just sometimes, though)

There's this customer who comes in on a semi-regular basis; he's a retired Navy chaplain who has done a lot of work with Marines. He's always telling me about something military related, offering advice, stuff like that.

So today he comes in with this present for me; and guess what it is?

That print on a metal poster!

I loveeee it, of course. That's totally a picture of my fifties-alter-ego self.

I mean, how awesome is that? That is why I like working there; because there are still genuine people who really care and what to make you happy. This guy could be like my grandpa, we have a relationship almost as good as blood family.

So as you can tell, that totally made my day. I would send a picture of it to B but those recruits might get their panties in a wad if they see some female legs, so never mind. He'll just have to wait and see it when he comes home :)

In other news; I have booked our "honeymoon!" We didn't get a real one when we got married (a product of getting married so young) so we're definitely going to enjoy ourselves. I only booked it for three nights, but part of me wants to stay longer. We'll see how the cards are played.

I tried to upload pictures of my new [to me] awesome red dress, but Blogger apparently doesn't like it. :'( Hopefully tomorrow!

Friday, July 8, 2011

someone, tell me I'm not alone in this.

Over the past month, I have added nine pairs of shoes to my already ridiculous collection.

And that's not even a quarter of the other clothes, accessories, and jewelry I have accumulated.

It seems that every since B left I buy anything I look at or try on. They have always said that shopping fills some kind of void in one's life, and...well, my void is pretty big. I know that having a ton of stuff isn't going to make things better, especially since everything is pretty much a spur-of-the-moment decision, but for some reason I still do it. I even went to apply for credit at one of my favorite stores yesterday...and it was a blessing in disguise that I couldn't get it right then (they're going to mail me an application for whatever reason) because I could have easily racked up some charges in a heartbeat.

B doesn't know about this, and he definitely won't when he comes back. I don't want him to think I'm going to turn into a crazy shopaholic whenever he leaves, even if it seems that way now... *sigh*

But really, I  have realized that this is a problem. Watching my checking account and wallet contents slowly swindle away is enough of a reality check for me.

So, I know there has got to be at least someone who has done something crazy to cope with loneliness. One of you come out and tell me, please, so I know I don't have a serious problem. Also tell me what made you snap back to reality and get a hold of yourself.

(C) J'adore Allure

Happy weekend, loves.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

new header.

Just in case you can't tell...there's a new header up there! My editing skills are very very limited, and I have no money to pay anyone to make one for me. So...that's what it is for now. If anyone wants to give me a free banner, I'll take it! :)

But anyway, just wanted to share that small bit of information with you. I'm trying to make this look more "professional." If anyone can tell me how to easily get the buttons underneath the header (like when people have cute icons for 'home', 'about us', 'our story', etc) I'd love to know. I can't seem to figure it out.

Song Link-Up Week 20

I love Snow Patrol lately. Their songs are so sweet and make me smile. :) This is one of the first ones I heard by this band and I love it! Head over to Goodnight Moon to link up with us!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why I chose not to go to college.

(if i could do my hair like that every day...i totally would)

(all images from random search)

In today's world I feel like there is so much pressure on going to college. I have gotten the impression that unless you go to college and get some type of degree, you are not sucessful. Well guess what? I'm apparently an epic failure because I got married really young (and wasn't pregnant, so haha to those who thought I was) and didn't go to college! *gasp* What in the world is wrong with me?!


I never really wanted to go to college. I didn't see the point in going, spending all that money for a degree I never really wanted in the first place. I went attempted the CNA class two times at the community college, but dropped out both times because my heart was not in it at all. The second time I took it was in January, and I was only doing it so my husband and I could have more money and I could work better hours; my heart was never in it at all. And the first time I enrolled...I only did it because I felt extremely pressured and didn't want to feel like a "loser" for not going.

All I have ever really wanted to be was a mom. Plain and simple. A housewife, a mother to lots of little children. I have recently started telling people that when I grow up, I want to be a 50's housewife. (Not to mention I LOVE the 50's clothing I would love if I could dress like that every day...just because) Of course I get strange looks, but who cares! I quit caring what people think a couple years ago when I met B and fell in love with him two days later.

Being a SAHM and wife is a calling in my life that I have felt since I was probably 16 or 17. I want to be the one who is always there for my kids, no matter what. I don't want to send them to other care providers all the time when I'm the one that will always provide the best care and best environment. I want to be there for them 24/7, always available and always ready for whatever comes our way. I don't know whether or not I will homeschool yet, however I do have a husband who is in support of it and it is definitely more of an idea now that we're entering into the military world. We will cross that bridge when we get to it. I just know that I learned way more being homeschooled than I would have being in public school systems, I graduated aaalmost two years early, I was able to work at my own pace (whether that meant doing three lessons of one subject per day, or just taking the day off because I felt like it). I pretty much taught myself all that I know math/English-wise and I'd love for my kids to do the same.

Now, being a housewife? That is obviously the 'job' that will come before motherhood (unless God intervenes...). On one of our first few dates at a coffee shop, B sat down and looked me in the eye and said, "I will do what it takes for you to fulfill your biggest dream, what is it?" and I told him. He told me it may not come in the exact timing that we want it to, but that he will work as hard as he can so I can be who I want to be. Being in the Marines was not the path he was originally going to take to reach this dream, but it's the path we're being led down and we don't dare veer off it now. The days I got to stay at home (only on days where I was totally off work) and clean, cook, and do things for him made me the happiest, and he was happy to. I love making him feel appreciated and seeing his face light up when there's an unexpected chocolate cake on the table. Those are the moments I love and I want a lifetime full of them.

Phew, now that I have all that off my chest. I hope you all don't think I'm a crazy, brainwashed idiot. Because I'm not. I know what I want in life, and God is providing. I shouldn't have to explain myself! I thank God for blessing me with a husband I have taken for granted at times, and I thank Him for letting me have another chance at this 50's housewife job! :)

afterthought: what the heck is up with Blogger and it's crazy spacing issues?!?! i have edited this so many times but all the lines between the paragraphs are seriously killing me!!! {now i think it's fixed...sorry for that rant)

Monday, July 4, 2011

this isn't so bad.

Well lovely readers, no mail today of course. And nothing on Saturday, so I'm expecting some serious letters on Tuesday! I've been getting so spoiled recieving something every day, and the days just drag and drag when I don't find anything in our little red mail box.

So since today is the 4th of July and all, my family and I were supposed to go see fireworks at a park nearby. But of course, it had to rain and ruin our plans. I hate when stuff like this happens! I'm a sucker for some fireworks, and now it will have to wait until next year.

I miss B a lot. I'm constantly so lost in thought remembering things about him and us. Today, mom and I were driving through a parking lot and I interrupted her and said, "Aw, this is where we had our first kiss, right over there..." Never thought the first time I kissed him would be in a parking lot...but whatever. It worked for us.

Or the times I blurt out in the middle of a conversation: "I wonder what he's doing right at this minute." Oh, I'll tell you what he's doing right now...SLEEPING. My recruit apparently sleeps from 8pm to 3:30am and is awoken by DI's screaming, "LIGHTS! LIGHTS! LIGHTS!" At least that's what his letters tell me.

I have this routine I have to do at bedtime now; at least most nights I do it. I'll write him a letter, look through our photo album (which is sooo lacking on pictures), randomly read a few of the letters he's written me, and maybe write some more on his letter before cramming it in an envelope so I don't write too much and get all mushy and lovey-dovey sounding. Because that is so not cool to send to Parris Island.

I never thought that my husband; the quiet, cocky, open, whirlwind would be at USMC boot camp. This never even crossed our minds back in the early days, yet here we are because it's the road we've decided to cross in our life.

I just can't wait to see him on graduation day (assuming his knee won't give him any more problems, landing him in MRP). Now that will be indredible.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

what I'm looking forward to.

  • B's graduation this year (and the kiss)

  • My brother's Army graduation

  • A weekend beach trip

  • Paying off the credit card

  • Getting a tan...maybe.

  • Wearing my new awesome shoes

  • Moving to our new house together, wherever that may be

  • "Restarting" our life somewhere new


  • The bulldog I would love to have sometime in my life.

What are things in life you are looking forward to? It could be a week from now, a month from now, five years down the road. Do share :)