Friday, November 4, 2011

the weird things I do when I miss him...

Well, they're not weird to me, and I bet some of you all do things like this too just because it's comforting when your husband is gone.

I swear, if I don't wear his USMC ring every day I feel weird. He gave it to me after boot camp because it ended up not fitting, and now I only take it off at work. Same with the dog tags. Honestly, I used to think it was weird when guys gave their girls a set, but now I don't like it when I don't have them on. I really do feel naked without them (like right now, I have a work party to go to tonight, and I took those and the ring off...but I feel so weird).

I caught myself listening to Eminem (!!!!) this morning while getting ready. I can't stand that kind of music, but hubs loves it (God knows why), so of course I had to listen to it too. The Recovery CD is what we (he) listened to on our whole TN trip so when I hear one of those songs it reminds me of our trip.

His clothes. Mmm. I found a Chicago Bulls shirt of his yesterday and immediately had to put it on. Imagine my excitement when I realized that, after six months, it STILL smells a tiiiiny bit like him. Not to mention the only jackets I wear anymore are either my USMC Wife hoodie or the black US Marines Under Armour jacket. Another one of those 'feels naked without it' kind of things.

Sigh. Hopefully by the New Year we'll have our own place. Webcam chatting is only exciting for so long.


Ashley said...

I can definitely relate to the music and wearing his clothes!! haha We're all a little weird ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a new follower from the Military Monday Blog Hop! I look forward to getting to know you :)

-My blog is having a giveaway so feel free to check it out!-

Semper Wifey said...

This is so sweet! I do the same thing with shirts! :)

Thanks for linking up at Military Monday! :)

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one with the shirt wearing thing, or the smell on his clothes thing!!