Wednesday, March 16, 2011


krystal. 06/09/1991. She is quiet, independent, introverted, and likes to read. Definitely a wall-flower but does enjoy occasional one-on-one conversation over a coffee. Guilty pleasures consist of sour gummy worms, Goodwill shopping, coffee with brown sugar, and documentaries. About almost anything. When she grows up, she wants to be a 50's housewife. Came to know Jesus as her Savior at thirteen and has since become a devoted, radical follower. Is a sucker for anything purple and/or ruffly.


Kristina Clemens said...

Yay!!! I wanna be a 50's house wife when I grow up too! Can't wait for that....
Kristina J.

bretswife1 said...

I want a cute shirt like yours!