Monday, April 30, 2012

right now.

Wearing: Yellow striped pj shorts & hubby's white t-shirt
Wanting: My husband home! And I'd like to find something decent to watch on TV...seems like nothing is on tonight.
Thinking:Why is my forehead so itchy? // Should I get up to get matches so I can burn my new candle? // When is hubs coming home?!?
Needing: I don't personally need anything but my dog is super low on dog food...guess I know what I'll be buying tomorrow.
Worried about: Nothing.
Hoping for: Good news when my husband turns in his request for leave time in June.
Excited about: My husband coming home! I know it's sometime this week, I just don't know when! The suspense is killing me. Supposedly he finds out tomorrow, we'll see.

B's two favorite girls ;)


Anonymous said...

AHH! Hopefully he comes home soon rather than later this week!

That Recruit's Wife said...

Me toooo! I'm the most impatient person ever, so this is hard for me!